In six weeks time I will have the fortunate pleasure of traveling to and spending a few days in Istanbul. I go there with my choir, Non Silentium, to participate in a choir meet/competition, but hope to be able to see the city in the odd hour between rehearsals.
So, I started preparing myself by reading up on the city, primarily using the lonely planet guide to Istanbul (that I got for free while being stuck behind the ash cloud back in April). But a much better way, indeed, always, is asking friends that already visited. So this morning, while chugging along the Roslagsbane-track, I got some great tips from Ivar’s dad. Thanks! Got me off to a good inspiring start on this research mission.
Got tips for me? Comment, email, call!
Typing this on the iPad at sostaespresso on Jakobsbergsgatan, my morning stop halfway between Östra and Vinnova.